The PASTURE TO PLATE WHOLE ANIMAL BUTCHER SHOP at 1420 Commercial Drive in Vancouver stocks the finest quality meats and delicatessen, it also draws the connection between our city store and the Rafter 25 Ranch where the animals are born, raised and harvested. At PASTURE TO PLATE we stand for transparency and live up to what we say we are doing. Being totally vertically integrated assures the integrity of the organism, PASTURE TO PLATE, and it assures that you, as the valued customer and quintessential link in the chain of wholesome food production, are paying for what you see and what you want and what you know is good for you.
Our team is responsible and we are fully accountable for the integrity and quality of PASTURE TO PLATE Products.
That is why we chose sustainability and not “as much as possible” to be the bottom line for PASTURE TO PLATE. And we all are working hard to get there.
Every time you buy from PASTURE TO PLATE, you vote YES for our common values.
Our laying hand are hatched from eggs that have not been vaccinated or medicated. The pullets are raised like our broiler chickens, eating certified organic, BC heirloom grains, sprouts, fresh fresh spring water (we add live probiotics to the water when they are small) and have access to Redmond Salt and Clay. Hens start laying at around 6 months of age.
Our sheep are shorn each spring. Their wool is processed into many beautiful items, including skeins for home knitting projects. The washed, carded and spun wool is available to order online and is for sale in our stores. See our ‘Collaborations’ page for finished products made with our wool!
Fodder is grown for the animals on the ranch during the cold months to supply them with some fresh greens. This is a great way to naturally support their immune systems while also keeping up the high nutritional value of the meat and eggs. Growing fodder is much like growing sprouts at home in your kitchen, only we do it on a large scale. Organic seeds and grains are first soaked, then spread on growing trays. When the sprouts have grown into young plants and are several inches tall, they are fed fresh to the animals.
1420 Commercial Drive Vancouver, BC V5L 3X9
Phone: 604-215-0050 | View Map
9391 Highway 20, Redstone BC, V0L 1S0
Phone: 250-394-4000 | View Map
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