All the meat sold at Pasture to Plate comes from Rafter 25 Ranch in Redstone, BC. The animals are raised on the ranch and processed at our own abattoir, Chilcotin Harvest.
All the animals are raised on pasture, which means they are free to walk around and forage. The bulk of what they eat comes straight off the fields, but they receive additional rations to supplement their diets. The cows and sheep eat an all grass diet; the pigs are given a grain ration, and a vegetable ration; the chickens are given a grain ration. Everything we feed our animals is certified organic and certified non-GMO.
The simple answer is that organic animals cost more to raise than conventionally reared ones. Our organic livestock are allowed to grow naturally on pasture, and more time is required for them to be ready for harvest. This means that more costs are incurred, such as additional organic feed (which is more expensive), plenty of outdoor space for the animals to roam, and labour on the ranch.
We certainly believe so. There are several things we can guarantee about our meats that allow us to provide the healthiest, most nutritious product possible.
Our animals are non-medicated, and are never given any antibiotics, synthetic hormones, growth supplements or steroids. That means consumers are never ingesting any of these things second-hand by eating our meats.Our animals eat a natural, certified organic, certified non-GMO diet. This means no animal by-products are ever introduced to their diet, which drastically reduces the risk of certain diseases, most notably bovine spongiform encephaly (BSE).
In addition to eating only organic food, our animals are all pasture-raised. They are spared the cramped indoor conditions of conventional meat production, which significantly reduces their exposure to high levels of harmful bacteria, such as e. coli.Our pastures are never treated with synthetic fertilizers or pesticides. Instead, we use what nature provides in the form of various compost preparations, which reintroduce nutrients to the soil and allow the land to regenerate before we take from it again. This keeps things productive and balanced without putting toxic chemicals into our animals’ food – and, ultimately, onto our customers’ plates.
Grass-fed meat contains more trace minerals like magnesium and selenium, vitamins B1 and E, and a better ratio between omega-3 to omega-6 fatty acids. Animals grazing on well-maintained pasture have access to a wide range of grasses, sedges, shrubs and other plants, so their diet is more varied than that of a conventional animal that eats the same laboratory-crafted ration each day. Our animals get plenty of exercise and have access to fresh water, sunshine and nutritious food.Commercial meat products often contain additives and artificial colours that make the meat appear more vibrant. Our animals live outdoors in large areas, and are therefore much leaner than animals raised in confinement. This is why some of our cuts have less “marbling” than their conventional equivalents.
Our Honey Ginger marinade contains gluten (soy sauce). All our sausages are gluten-free, and contain only meat, fat, salt and certified organic herbs and spices. Our burger patties, ham, bacon, smoked beef and European wieners are all gluten-free.
Organic meat producers often follow the principles of biodynamic farming: take only what the land can reasonably sustain. Animals on biodynamic farms are raised in specific quantities, and they are harvested according to natural cycles. Over the years, the mass production of livestock has accustomed people to unlimited demand and selection; unfortunately, this results in the nutritional depletion of agricultural land, and in many cases, excessive waste of product and animal life. While these shortages can be inconvenient, it is part of our commitment to sustainability; it is also the perfect opportunity to try different products!
At this time we are unable to sell wholesale quantities of meat, but a program is in development to make this an option for our customers.
A major principle of biodynamic agriculture is viewing the ranch as a closed system. The nutrients and energies within the ranch stay in the ranch, and are repurposed and recycled to encourage new growth. The animal parts not used for food are composted and reintroduced to the fields as a powerful catalyst for the next growing cycle.
No. There are health regulations that restrict a food retailer from selling animal-grade food products. However, you can contact Grazier’s Supply in Redstone for information about their organic Lamb Treats.
At one time, the fundamental principles of farming were held sacred. Today, many consumers have lost sight of these principals.Our mandate is to encourage a return to agricultural sustainability, and provide the highest quality meat products without overtaxing the land.
Pasture to Plate is proof that the principles of biodynamic farming and environmental stewardship cannot only succeed in the world of business, but thrive.Our success is measured not by our bottom line, but by how many people we can educate about the vital importance of agricultural sustainability.
Families around the world have made the move to organic meat. It’s time for you to taste the reason why!1420 Commercial Drive Vancouver, BC V5L 3X9
Phone: 604-215-0050 | View Map
9391 Highway 20, Redstone BC, V0L 1S0
Phone: 250-394-4000 | View Map
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