Saturated fats from grass fed animals, coconut and palm oil and cold pressed olive oil are good-mood-fats! They are high in omega 3 fatty acids our brain needs to function. They are high in antioxidants, and help maintain our ideal body weight!
Only in the last 60 years we started using vegetable oils, margarine, shortening (high in omega 6). Simultaneously we witnessed an increase in depression, heart disease and cancer… Vegetable oils are unstable, turning rancid quickly (deodorization removes the smell). Rancidity means oxidized. Vegetable oils have their natural antioxidants removed by processing. Since the vegetable oils do not satisfy us we tend to over eat looking for the satisfaction we cannot get from these fats.
Conclusion: Use whole milk, cream, high fat cheeses, eat the fat on your steak, roasts and the skin on chicken; you will feel more satisfied, happy and will lose weight.