In the age of fast food, many of us expect everything we eat to be quick and cheap, even meat. This type of food is not good for us, as the shorter amount of time it takes to get to your plate is due to things like growth enhancing pharmaceuticals and antibiotics, which encourage the cows to grow at a faster rate so that there is a shorter turnaround time.
Good things come to those who wait and trust us when we say that quality organic meat is worth the wait. Good meat is meat that is natural, organic and tastes incredible, due to the fact that it is simply meat, as nature intended with nothing else added — in fact, the only other ingredient in our meat is time! At Pasture to Plate, all of our beef is organic grass-finished meat that you won’t find in any multi-national fast food, or being contaminated with antibiotics, or preservatives. This means that it takes at least 24 months to get your beef to your plate. There are two years of expert care given to ensure that you end up with the best organic, grass-finished meat possible, which is well marbled, with a healthy amount of cover fat.
During these two years, the cattle at Pasture to Plate spend two to three months a year being fed hay and then graze residual forage for the remainder of their time, going out to pasture for that grass finish. We know exactly what our cattle are eating and we make sure it is all completely natural, so the organic grass-finished meat product you get will be natural too.
And luckily for you, you don’t need to wait for two years to get some of this delicious organic grass-finished meat. Simply drop into our Commercial Drive store where we already have cuts waiting for you. Fresh and totally organic, you will always be able to taste the difference if it is organic grass-finished meat.
Once you start cooking with organic grass-finished meat,you will never be able to go back to processed, mass produced meat ever again! Taking the time to think about what is on your plate and what you will be putting into your body is something worth doing and you will soon realize that good meat is worth the wait.