Kefir Drink (quick & easy)
Make your own kefir using kefir grains and milk to get a great probiotic and enzyme rich drink. Put the grains into milk and leave at room temperature for 24-36 hours then refrigerate, add fresh or frozen berries from your garden blend and enjoy! You can also add a tbsp. of coconut fat/milk to make it even more satisfying. (Note: Don’t put the grains/culture in the fridge, just the strained product.)
Nutrient Dense Meal
Vietnamese Soup
1 chicken, halved
Large piece pounded fresh ginger
Whole peeled onion
1 cinnamon stick
Cover with cold water and simmer for about ¾ hour.
Remove the meat from the bones and set aside. Also remove cinnamon. Return bones to broth.
1 tsp. each of coriander, fennel, cloves and star anise
2 pods black cardamom
1 tbsp. sea salt or fish sauce
Simmer for another hour. Strain over serving bowls containing a small amount of precooked rice noodles, raw sliced vegetables (like carrots, daikon, lettuce, spinach, sprouts, avocado, tomato… whatever you have), mushrooms like wolf ears, cloud ears, chanterelles (fresh or, pre-soaked) sliced egg pancake (pour 2 beaten eggs into hot cast iron frying pan prepped with coconut oil. Fry on one side, turn off the heat and flip over. Then roll it up and slice into strips, place them neatly into the serving bowls). Finally arrange the chicken pieces on top.
Pour broth into soup bowls, serve with kimchi, sauerkrauts, hoisin sauce and chilli sauce.
Myths Unveiled
Pasteurized milk is good for us?
As farmers the importance of mother’s milk for young animals becomes very real; without it the little ones do not strive. I hope all you Moms are breastfeeding! And then once the child is ready you can begin offering fresh milk (straight from the cow: nothing done to it!). It is the most similar to Mom’s milk in that it has not been altered using centrifuges, heat, artificial vitamins.
Children fed raw milk have more resistance to TB, scurvy, flu, diphtheria, pneumonia, asthma, allergic skin problems and tooth decay. In addition, their growth and calcium absorption are superior.
We also know once the child is put on pasteurized milk we have children that get sick easier, have eczema and most likely develop multiples of allergies, especially allergies/intolerances to dairy products. In many instances individuals who have suffered under these conditions in the past, are set free when they switch to raw, organic milk from grass-fed cows/sheep/goats.
Raw milk from grass-fed cows is high in enzymes; pasteurization destroys all enzymes in milk and puts enormous strain on the body’s digestive mechanism. We are not meant to have a sterile tummy! If you have any doubts, I hope you are inspired to go to the websites mentioned in “Nourishing our Children” and learn more about what’s truly safe for your children and grandchildren. Over 50% vitamin C gets lost in the pasteurizing process and alters milk’s mineral components such as calcium, chlorine, iodine, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium and sulphur as well as other trace minerals, making them less available to us. Synthetic vitamin D2 and D3 is added – the former is toxic and has been linked to heart disease while the latter is difficult to absorb.
A sterile environment is a dangerous one for children to grow up in because they do not sufficiently develop their immune systems. Drink raw milk! But pasteurization does more than just kill of the “bad guys”–it kills off harmless and more importantly those very useful germs too. And by subjecting the milk to high temperatures, destroys some nutritious constituents. Fragile milk proteins are radically transformed from health nurturing to unnatural amino acid configurations that are hard on our systems.
Commercial dairies also feed soy and corn that has been genetically modified to their high producing milk cows. So definitely avoid pasteurized milk that is also conventional! Grass-fed is so important because grain changes a cow’s digestive flora. In many instances conventional milk is pasteurized several times! That’s what Marc MacAfea stated at the Vancouver raw milk conference.
Canada is THE only G8 country that outlaws raw milk. In April I attended a raw milk conference in Vancouver one scientist (Nadine Ijaz) revealed that in fact, there is no concrete evidence that raw milk is dangerous. I believe her study is a break through.
Many of you living in the Cariboo-Chilcotin may even be able to keep a milk-cow of your own or perhaps have friends that are willing to share the wonderful raw milk from their cow.
Read more on this at and
A Walk Through Your Pantry/Medicine cabinet:
GET RID OF: Conventional, Colored Cheeses
Gorts Gouda Diary: Salmon Arm BC sells organic 100% grass-fed cheeses (they offer both raw and pasteurized cheeses). They can ship it to you.
Jerseyland Organics: Grand Forks BC sells raw cheeses and takes orders as well
OR you can learn to make your very own cheese by joining a workshop with Dominique Sporer
Brought to you by Jasmin Schellenberg
Inspired by and resourced from “Nourishing Traditions” by Sally Fallon; and: and
For “Nourishing our Children” newsletters of the past visit:
Special Feature Continued: Jasmin celebrates being fit for summer!
From: 77.7kg March 15th to: 74.6kg on May 15th
Her secrets:
- No wine
- No sugar/honey in tea
- No starches
- No bread
- Opting for a high fat smoothie (see recipe above with coconut oil)
- Work scedule didn’t allow for long walks but definitely had my workouts working, riding and in the garden.
Her challenges:
- Finding time to exercise and then actually doing it!
- Even though I didn’t loose all I would have liked to I definitely did shape up and that feels great.
Her successes:
- Feeling fit!
- Looking forward to a shopping spree as I have dropped in size.