Pork is a meat that is delicious and versatile. When it comes to pork, there is one thing that many agree on and that is that organic pork is best. When you yalla match break it down, there really is no comparison between organic pork and non-organic pork, or organic meat and non-organic meat in general.
If you haven’t started buying it yet, we’re here to tell you why you should be choosing organic pork.
1. It’s Free From Bad Things
What are these bad things you ask? We here at Pasture to Plate, we think that chemicals and pharmaceuticals are bad. That is why we keep them away from our organic pigs. Non organic pigs are often fed and injected pharmaceuticals, vaccinations and hormones. This is done in order to make the non organic pigs grow quicker and fattier, to try to yield more meat in less time. If you eat this meat, then you are indirectly consuming these pharmaceuticals. These are most likely the types of chemicals that you would not choose to consume willingly, so make the choice to buy organic pork and not ingest them through the meat you eat.
Chemicals can also come from the type of food the pigs eat. Organic pigs should be eating organic food and this means food that has not been grown in the presence of pesticides. The chemicals that can be used for pesticides are also nasty and not something we should be looking to consume as humans.
2. The Taste Is Better
As we mentioned above, non organic pigs are hayamix.com often unnaturally forced to grow fattier through hormones. As you can imagine, this results in lower quality meat that tastes nothing like the delicious taste associated with beautiful organic pork. The taste is truly unbeatable. Once you buy organic pork you will really be able to notice the difference and will find it hard to go back to non organic meat afterward.
3. It’s Environmentally Friendly
Raising organic pigs does not harm the environment as much as raising non organic pigs. They do not require food that is covered in pesticides, nor are they responsible for the production of chemical and pharmaceutical laden waste. Generally, organic pork and other types of organic meat use less packaging, so you are also doing your bit for the environment that way.
Organic pork is an easy choice if you want to take care of the environment and be conscious about your food choices, while enjoying the highest quality and most flavourful meat.